The Time I Gagged on an Apple

And I knew my food preferences had turned to sh*t.

Catherine Nichols


Photo by Richa Sharma on Unsplash

The time I gagged on an apple was probably when I was a little kid, right? Wrong! It was just last week.

Like many people during this never-ending pandemic, I’ve turned to food for comfort. And, I’ll be honest, I’ve also turned to drink. Nothing like a coupla glasses of wine to get you through the 280 lonely Netflix nights, amirite? I’ve gone so far as to buy the stemless wine glasses because they fit in the dishwasher better. That red flag (or does white work better?) should have alerted even the most vine friendly friends to just how far I’d fallen.

Before COVID, I was a supplement evangelist. I was a super-food snacker. I was primarily a plant-based food promoter. Did cheese, or even worse, a ‘cheese food product’ pass these lips? Not often, and I more than made up for the transgression the next day.

I used to crave a cucumber, red onion, and tomato salad. I drank water like it was the nectar of the Gods. I made as much as possible from scratch — cakes, cookies, salad dressings, breads, even almond milk. I squeezed the lemons and limes from my organically raised trees, and froze their juice in ice cube trays for future recipes.



Catherine Nichols

Far more interesting internally than externally. I write to quiet the voices. Deleted Facebook & Twitter thereby immediately quieting 1000’s of voices.